Did it ever seem that you know how to do something, like in your mind, you can see what it would take to succeed, and when you put it on paper everything looks great, but, when you physically try to make it happen, everything seems to fall apart leaving you frustrated?
This is the gap between knowing and doing.
It's not that you can't get the results that you want, you just may be lacking the clarity to get there.
So, what could be holding you back? First and foremost... the fear of succeeding.
One of the greatest obstacles any of us have to face is fear!
I know someone who sells cars. He is average at what he does, but when he attempts to work as hard as he can, he is reminded of his childhood where his family always said he wouldn't amount to anything.
Through a lot of coaching, the young man realized that he had a fear of actually surpassing what his family said he could do. And even though he is now a man, the hurtful things he was repeatedly told as a child, haunts him most days. He was held back not just by the words and doubts of others, but also from the fear of succeeding.
It is important to recognize what your fears are, and why you feel the way that you do.
Are you powerful or powerless? Are you always judging yourself negatively? Do you talk down about yourself to yourself? Do you blame self or others for the position that you're in?
If you answered 'yes' to any of those questions, you may be feeling powerless. This is that 50 pound weight on your shoulders, the one that makes it hard to get out of bed sometimes. It's what keeps you from fully working towards your best, and your dreams.
How do you break free? You've got to learn to let go (no matter how hard) of the negative things in your life. Sometimes it takes mentors, family or close friends to help you break through. But once you do, you will be able to move to an empowering state.
A good starting point may be to find positive affirmations or to start a positive self-talk journal. Focus on the things that you do well. Put them on paper. Constancy is the key, as this is something that you are doing for your own well-being.
The last major obstacle is focus. The awesome point here, is that once you are not afraid to succeed, and you begin to empower yourself- focusing on your goals actually becomes an easier task.
When you start to plan your path, the road you take to reach your goals gets easier with each step. Do research on what motivates you and act on it!
This is not to say that there won't be challenges along the way, but by staying positive in your self-talk, keeping a journal and positive affirmations, the road to success will be a more pleasant journey.
Again, consistency is key in whatever you choose to do. Work out your vision, purpose, plan and goal then run with it.
Believe in you!
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