Monday, February 9, 2015

Selling YOU! Ready, Set, GO

Still haven't been hired yet? When was the last time you stepped back to really look at YOU and how you're selling you as a product?

When you are interviewing for a job, you become the product that someone is looking to use in their establishment. Your interview is nothing more than a personal commercial to see if you will be a good fit with that company. Think of the commercials on TV - yes, you are now the product and it's showtime! 

I'm sure you know what you look like, eyes, hair, facial features, but when is the last time that you really took time to look at what you bring to the table in a business or personal setting?

It's a given that we all want to believe that we are the best choice for any position, but is this really a true statement?  Do you really believe this?  More so, can you sell this to a potential employer?

It's 2015, time to get in front of a mirror, and ask yourself some very important questions to figure out who you are, and why someone should hire you.   Doing this will not only get you to better know what you can (and cant) do, it will give you a chance to practice your sales pitch.  If you don't buy it, then no one else will either.

Some sample questions to ask yourself:
Are you easily overwhelmed, frustrated or angered? What skills do you have (hard or soft)?  Are they (really) up to par? Why should you be offered a job? Will your references speak favorably about you and if not, why?  

While there are so many questions that can be asked, start with basic ones like the ones above, and be truthful in your answers.  Even though it may be tough to hear (especially coming from you), it gives you something to work with...and we can all benefit from the self-improvement homework.  From the answers that come from your honest assessment, find areas that you can begin to work on to improve what you have to offer.  For example, if one of your self-assessment answers were that you have are easily frustrated in stressful working situations, try seeking help to put your life in workable order that will help with stress that can cause you to feel angry.  If you don't have the skills for the industry that you want to work in, take an online course, or even a tutor. The goal here is that for every answer that you give, find solutions that can help you improve on your technique and presentation of selling you.

My recommendation is to grab a mirror and a quiet room.  Figure out who you are, what skills you have and what you could improve. Then take the necessary steps to do it. Remember, selling you in any atmosphere (business or personal) is about the most important thing you will do.   Always put your best foot forward.

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