Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Looking For a Job? Ready, Set, Action

So you "think" you're ready to find a job.  You've pumped yourself up for the interview as this is a no-brainer and you are more than qualified for the job. Yesterday you felt prepared, but today, something just doesn't feel quite right? So you brush it off thinking "it's all in my mind".

You open the door of the interviewers office and immediately freeze! What happened?  What changed?  You decide it's too late to turn and run, your mind isn't working as you want it too, in a moments thought you realize you're not really ready (or want) to work.

A lot of times, the fear of succeeding can take over leaving the subconscious mind to choose between deeply rooted emotions and logic.  When this happens, emotions usually win leaving the mind to figure out how to get out of the situation.  What comes next is called, self-sabotage. For every question the interviewer gives, your responses are short with no detail. You've lost the ability to focus and effectively communicate how you've gained the skills needed to perform this job.  What's worse, you've lost the ability to sell you!  So sitting in an office where you feel you don't belong, you try your hardest to just get it over with so you can go back to your comfort zone of the couch, Jerry Springer and soggy cereal.

For any employer to hire you, first you need to believe in yourself and the skills that you have accumulated over your working career.  You then need to learn how to sell that product (which is you).

Where do you start?  First you need to figure out who you are, and how your skills should be marketed to best sell you for any job.  Bottom line, why should someone take a chance in hiring you rather than someone else?  If you find some of your hard skills are lacking, find a free class, go to the library or dust off your computer and work on making your skills a great selling point for you.  If it's your soft skills that need a touch-up, try an etiquette (manor) class.

Regardless of what skills you need to improve on, whether it's minor adjustments or a major overhaul, stay positive on your quest and find others who will encourage you.

Good luck!

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