Friday, January 16, 2015

Are You A Hoarder?

Many times, the picture we see when we think of hoarding, is what is on TV.  But, it doesn't have to be that intense, or that bad.  Hoarding comes in many shapes and forms.

Hoarding can represent feeling unsafe in life and a feeling of being all over the place.  It can start out as a need or a way to be in control of something or things (people included) and slowly over time, it can consume us completely.

Ways that we can express control may be buying and keeping multiple unneeded items. Or even to hold on to people that no longer contribute to the healthiness of our lives. Holding on to the emotional and physical allows useless things to consume time and space.


If you were given 10 minutes to clean out your kitchen, what would you toss?  What about your bathroom?  Now, let's look at the personal closet you keep in your mind.  If you had that same 10 minutes to let go of 3 people who no longer fill you the way they once did, who would you choose and why?

Let me know how your experiment works!

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