Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Fourth Quarter and inches...

2014 is almost done and gone, what have you done for you lately?

As we move towards the Fourth Quarter, the end of the year, it's time to re-evaluate where you are in your life plan.  How often do you review this plan? Are you meeting your smaller goals as you work towards the big picture of your life? When is the last time you actually looked at that chapter in your YOU Book?

Talk is simple and cheap, but the reality of life can be cut-throat. Are you ready to face the facts of your life and where it's headed?

If you're unhappy with your situation, it's time to saddle up and make changes so that you move forward, not continue to stand in the same place or worse move at a snails pace.

It's time to look beyond the immediate wants you may have and work for the basic needs to secure the future of you and your family.  It all starts with you and how you choose to do your business.

There are many organizations to help in your quest for a better future, they are all in your reach if you step towards them and put all you have into bettering your skills and hone in on what expertise you have.  Every industry is looking to hire that perfect employee, why shouldn't they hire you?

Take the time to take a long hard look in the mirror.  See the package that you present to other people.  Look at you from head to toe, review your skills (soft and hard). It may be time to make a full-hearted change so that others see the best that you have to offer.  But remember, any changes you make to self should be from the heart, and real.  People (good HR people) can easily read through nonsense and putting on an act to get a job only hurts you in the long run.

Good Luck!

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